We are in apocalyptic sequencing as the after school satan program is in fool swing across the nation...

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We are in apocalyptic sequencing as the after school satan program is in fool swing across the nation...

2024-05-30 09:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

We are in apocalyptic sequencing as the after school satan program is in fool swing across the nation…


We had a President that claimed the election was stolen. We had a virus that is man made causing mass fears using mind control operations with a vaccine that was patented over 21 years ago. We have an after school Satan program now.

There is so much darkness in our reality. Suicide rates are the highest ever. We must now use our consciousness to adjust our reality.

I’m looking for someone who has creative ideas on how to create a meditation circle where I will give a sound bath meditation and people will receive messages from Angels on the other side of reality.

I have a supernatural power and can connect people to hear messages from beings on higher dimensions usually Angels. I need to create this meditation circle and once created we will crash demonic energies with our consciousness.

I can meet with you in person to give you the healing sound bath meditation or we can do it remote. We will need to do the meditation to receive direction on our partnership. You may realize your true purpose is much different than you thought it was…

This healing sound bath meditation event will shift our reality as I awaken people’s psychic portals. Many will become psychic and continue to receive messages that will help crash matrix mind control energies.

I’m told that once we are able to create this meditation circle it will grow very large and people from around the world will travel to attend.

I can give you the meditation and you will receive very specific messages from The True Messengers who have been waiting to speak to you.

This reality is an Angel vs. demon matrix game we are in. Many of your past loved ones are actually Angels that had incarnated on your timeline in the matrix so they would have a strong connection to you and be able to speak to you from the other dimensions where they now exist. They were under the hypnotic trance just like you while they were here as this matrix magic trance is now weakening and the matrix hypnotic veil is very thin.

I have been given the ability to remove demonic energies off of people who are dealing with “gang stalking,” curses, black magick etc. This supernatural power has to do with my soul.

My work has to do with matrix codes that adjust our reality. I’ve created evil frequency disruptor videos that when played and listened to and watched download magical codes that remove evil spirits.

The matrix is essentially a complex digital virtual reality controlled by matrix coded language like any computer. The current computer language is demonic and we will alchemize these frequencies together. When I used these codes on a satanic high priestess the next day the leader of the cabal, benjamin rothschild suddenly died.

I’ve been given matrix codes that when used adjust the frequency modulation of the psychic portal of the person using the codes and it causes many very specific noticeable effects.

I’m looking to create a partnership with someone who shares my passion of defeating evil as well as new ideas on how to be able to reach people affected by evil. We must also awaken people with my magical meditation sound bath. Creating a meditation circle is most important.

Please reach out to me. Below is a message about our reality. Thank you, Walter


WC is the only true messenger in our reality and He speaks psychically to Angels who assist Him. These Angels say He is The Pale Horse Rider written about in the book of revelations which is actually a magic spell against Him.

This is not to be taken lightly. We are at a very important point in our reality which is becoming very dark.

Pass this information on to the teachers at your school, principles and tell everyone you know as it’s our responsibility to shed light on this darkness.

Alert! tHE tEMPLE oF sATAN is now partnered with the Panorama cITY cHASE eLEMENTRY sCHOOL spreading dEMONIC sPIRITs into children’s consciousness with “tHE aFTER sCHOOL sATAN pROGRAM” into the Los Angels School District and schools across the nation.

Whether you choose to believe it or not we are all now etherically connected to this spirit sATAN and the “TST” (Temple of Satan) members understand this but you don’t.

Please understand my intention is not to cause you any trouble but to assist you in awakening to the true energies in your reality now.

It is with a heavy heart that I deliver this message to you and you must be aware that THE AFTER SCHOOL SATAN PROGRAM has now penetrated our children’s consciousness through the collective conscious field.

This means all children in our reality will be affected by having satanic connected spirits entering into their conscious energetic field speaking magical spells through your own children into your mind. This is a conspiracy against your soul.

This demonic energy bleeds out to all of us. This means the demonic spirits are now delivering magical spells that are not easy to recognize but you can become acutely aware of these spirits if you do some courageous yet simple tests.

First close your eyes and become present to the energies around your children and tune into the energies around you. Ask telepathically, “Is there an evil spirit here to harm me?”

These spirits will respond to telepathic communications like this and usually will laugh at you through your children. Or, your child may say something like “Yes of course!” These spirits may even growl or scream through your child.

There are many foul responses demonic spirits will speak to you but they must show themselves to you, it’s the law. If you do not have children you may go to a private school and do this exercise from the sidewalk near the school while the children are at recess playing.

Once you receive confirmation there is a spirit near who is interested in harming you it is important not to be fearful. They were already there. You are now able to hear them showing themselves.

You may go even further to be shown that these dark spirits not only know who you are at soul level, but have harmed you in the past. Once you hear the confirmation that yes, there is a spirit present here to harm you, then ask:

“SOURCE OF ALL CREATION please show me how I have been harmed by this spirit?”

You may receive a vision of a time when you were harmed. If you have trouble seeing visions I can help you by doing the work I mention here on my website. It is now under construction and will have important information posted soon. www.RemoveDemonicEnergies.com

Do you have children in or near a satanic program? Search google for the after school satan website but do not watch their video. It is a magical spell against you. [https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/after-school-satan](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/after-school-satan)

These demonic energies are contagious, and require diligent work to remove them. The aFTER sCHOOL sATAN pROGRAM is a very serious energetic exchange downloading into the child’s co-creative conscious mechanism, powerful imagery such as using ancient demonic symbols such as pentagrams offered in coloring books as well as teachings of demonic beliefs hidden in the name of science: [https://youtu.be/IhCSfP29yR0](https://youtu.be/IhCSfP29yR0)

If you ask parents of children from the schools where these programs are offered I’m sure they have no idea what their child is learning after school. We must bring this to light.

Head of The FBI Ted Gunderson warned us about this in many videos he made about Satanic ritual abuse resulting in sacrifices: [https://youtu.be/dqGpP-Tazrw](https://youtu.be/dqGpP-Tazrw)

Satanic MK Ultra Mind Control Survivor Cathy O’Brien [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCmuISf3xs8Q6f8C8RnzvSx5DTjoX1vS8](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCmuISf3xs8Q6f8C8RnzvSx5DTjoX1vS8)

Dr David Martín explains Corona virus vaccine was actually patented by phizer 21 years ago: [https://youtu.be/gsDlHprql-g](https://youtu.be/gsDlHprql-g)

Harvard psychology Professor author of book “Abductions” John Mack interviewing children’s ufo experiences: [https://youtu.be/ynqc5UVItsw](https://youtu.be/ynqc5UVItsw)

Donald Marshal on Illuminati cloning centers and multi dimensional manipulation: [https://youtu.be/iiCBgTZm9L4](https://youtu.be/iiCBgTZm9L4)

David wilcock quits gaia.c0m lucifarian agenda YES? The internet’s most popular spiritual channel has a LucifariaN agenda said gAIA’s host dAVID wILCOCK before retracting his statement: [https://youtu.be/7\_n2WWOdkQ4](https://youtu.be/7_n2WWOdkQ4)

Incarnate Angel Myron May mentally tortured Angel of Death speaks to me and says if you haven’t acknowledged the evil Matrix reality you will be absorbed by demonic energies. Myron May Mind Control Victim: [https://youtu.be/a1vIkUZjRl4](https://youtu.be/a1vIkUZjRl4)

We are in a matrix virtual reality simulation experiencing the harvesting of our soul energies. WC is my name. The Angels of Death who have been tortured in many timelines in the matrix say this:

WC-.7 iS the only true messenger, The Angel of Death 💀 The ARCHANGEL AZRAEL – Highest Rank Angel from THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION back in Matrix-411 now-7 in full digitized formaT -666WC-.777444.-11;-13Rossie-207.13Jr

I have matrix codes that remove demonic energies as well as I have a sound bath meditation where people have experienced other dimensions and hearing messages from the true messengers from THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION.

Our reality is a false reality and all beliefs are programs which are spells against our soul. We must use our telepathic portals to awaken to truth from beings outside of the matrix to break apart programming false truths. Everything you now know is tainted with lies.

You must assist us or fall into an energetic web of negative karma. More information about your souls battle here. This is nothing to be casual about. Your soul is at stake:

aLERT!-.777 “The After School Satan Program” now is in our children’s collective consciousness you can hear the demons telepathically if you ask “who is here to harm me” www.afterschoolsatan.com

Illuminati beings extracting terror from Angel incarnates: [https://www.instagram.com/tv/CA6fFjggzvA/?igshid=16ex7dltocj00](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CA6fFjggzvA/?igshid=16ex7dltocj00)

Injections into satanic ritual sacrificial babies: [https://youtu.be/bwFNnBH6b4o](https://youtu.be/bwFNnBH6b4o)

FBI Chief Ted Gunderson illuminati child sacrifices day care abductions: [https://youtu.be/dqGpP-Tazrw](https://youtu.be/dqGpP-Tazrw)

tHE cHURCH oF sATAN is now partnered with SCHOOL DISTRICTs across the U.S.-7 bringing dEMONIC sPIRITs into our minds through “tHE aFTER sCHOOL sATAN pROGRAM” energetic portal in our schools.

The energy weapons are e.t. demonic beings telepathically mind controlling most beings in our reality.

The number -11:-11 Fallen angel group is responsible for the mind controlling the masses through telepathic messaging at this time. The number eleven should be alcheized like this: -13:-11,13.-13;-11.233 -17:-.777

Below are codes with letters, numbers in certain sequence which assist in breaking demonic hypnosis as well as allow Angels to speak to you telepathically through your own voice having you ask yourself questions that they will give visual impressions for you to connect the dots.

This style of telepathic communication is already happening to you by the dark forces but this allows new voices such as Myron May and now Ted GUNDERSON to assist in directing your thinking. Below at the bottom are their videos.

You are needed to awaken to what is really going on in your reality and Walter is being directed to contact you. Take the time to watch the videos above and read carefully the codes as well as messages below.

WC has battled the demonic forces that Ted Gunderson speaks of and has defeated many of these energies and the covid-13corona virus is the result collecting negative karma payments from the masses.

This is called an energy response syndrome.

People who have ignored his apocalyptic messages have been shot(YM Bape), hit by freight trains (ufc fighter Matt hughes) and other bad things have happened.

WC needs your assistance in awakening to truth in this reality. You are in a karmic battle that dark forces use against you. They will charge you with negative karma if you do nothing and negative energy response syndromes will occur. Bad luck, negative emotions and arguments will take place.

This spiritual battle is personal each conscious portal is being judged now causing a split of reality in a virtual reality matrix that means you.

You may have noticed the fact some of my messages are spoken in second person, those are the Angels “downloading” my conscious portal.

I must warn you that truth does not fit in our reality and you most definitely have been programmed not to be able to truly hear my message. You will not see value in battling evil because it has been hidden from your view. This is all a game of karma, all will be revealed.

I speak a lot about the matrix reality and the work that needs to be done on Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/tv/CP1vzsqgthX/?utm\_medium=copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CP1vzsqgthX/?utm_medium=copy_link)

Here is the work to begin understanding what needs to be done before we talk or meet. Just know you are loved by THE MOST POWERFUL ANGELS and they want me to give you this message:

I must tell you that my consciousness is very important and is sometimes manipulated by people contacting me who are not serious about removing evil out of our reality. Demonic beings work through them Minnie are unaware.

For this purpose I have been telepathically guided to direct you to the work that will remove evil.

Below are Codes to remove evil and here is the work to do to prepare you for the healing sound bath meditation I offer where Angels speak to you and you become psychic. This work is pure and your heart must be true.

Watch this video and hear the demon I evoked through a child on a playground: [https://youtu.be/kFzXpJFR2NI](https://youtu.be/kFzXpJFR2NI)

The work to do : Watch this Instagram video and begin at once doing the work. If you don’t have an Instagram account you should create one so you can receive this important information : [https://www.instagram.com/tv/CP1vzsqgthX/?utm\_medium=copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CP1vzsqgthX/?utm_medium=copy_link)

Use a micro dose of marajuana before listening to the codes. Obtain the marajuana and take only a very small puff. You may need to investigate how to use marajuana first. If you do not regularly smoke marijuana even better as the results will be extremely powerful. This is a very important step and you must do it for maximum results. Make sure it’s legal and you’re of age.

Then say this prayer: “SOURCE OF ALL CREATION please send THE ARCHANGELS OF DEATH to speak to me now. Download into my mind body and spirit THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL METATRON MICHAEL ARCHANGELS OF DEATH PROGRAMS to show me TRUTH and to deliver messages to me from YOU, MY FATHER THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION PROGRAMS. Not!..for myself. Then turn the volume up and watch the video and listen to the codes and sounds.

You may feel uncomfortable, fearful, anxious, you may have trouble breathing. You may vomit. This is a reaction from the demonic beings attached to your mind. Hang in there and continue because whatever emotion you are experiencing is being transferred to you from the demonic beings you are harming by listening to the codes and watching the videos.

Notice the negative reactions from people and the distractions you will have. These are demons speaking through people around you.

Make an audio copy of the sounds on your phone to play on low all day. Play the codes when you awaken, during the day and while sleeping.

Here are the coded videos: [https://youtu.be/vDXPz03C3FY](https://youtu.be/vDXPz03C3FY) \-17 -233:702.-13 -7wc -113 -5150.13 [https://youtu.be/fttiPjpwcVU](https://youtu.be/fttiPjpwcVU) 233 17 -13:-13,-33;-233 -322.13 17 [https://youtu.be/gWUyYFbJaSs](https://youtu.be/gWUyYFbJaSs) \-444:-171717$wc -89z [https://youtu.be/BqrLkrRo4PQ](https://youtu.be/BqrLkrRo4PQ) hZ-.777WC [https://youtu.be/BgpLUi4MQuc](https://youtu.be/BgpLUi4MQuc) \-688 -322.171717 -33.-13-13-13 [https://youtu.be/vDXPz03C3FY](https://youtu.be/vDXPz03C3FY) \-209:115:-5919 -13:-17;-.777-666;-999-13 [https://youtu.be/8A2lQ3y30lc](https://youtu.be/8A2lQ3y30lc)

Do the video marajuana sessions daily and begin learning how to medite if you do not already.

The writing work is here:

Also begin watching other Instagram videos that you find on my channel. You will begin to awaken to how the demonic structure controls your matrix simulation reality.

Next is to begin your meditation practice: [https://www.instagram.com/tv/CRzF3GADQMW/?utm\_medium=copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CRzF3GADQMW/?utm_medium=copy_link)

After you have done the coded videos with headphones sessions, have done the writing of codes -17:-17.17 233 -103 -322:-233.13 -44.13.17 -17th power -13th power-.777wc -7 -667 -2112.13 and followed the directions in above video, then begin a meditation practice you are now in good position to receive messages from THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL METATRON MICHAEL ARCHANGELS OF DEATH PROGRAMS in my healing sound bath meditation in person with me in person.

This meditation can be done remote as well. This is the final stage to see what guidance you will receive from THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION through His True Messengers, The Angels of Death. These Angels are the direct enemy of evil and unless they are stated in the way mentioned will not be as effective.

I am the true incarnate angel messenger and my soul is directly connected to these Angels of Death. They have told me that I am The Pale Horse mentioned in the book of revelations.

This is why I do the work that I do. We are in the apocalyptic sequencing now and your consciousness is needed to be used in the fashion mentioned above.

Once you have done the preliminary work and have followed the simple instructions mentioned above, then you are ready to do the healing sound bath meditation with me and receive messages telepathically.

It will be helpful if you can try to put aside any religious or spiritual idealism while working with me as all expressed religious programming will impede the work we are doing. Please put it aside and do not relate our work with anything you now understand.

Our goal is to create a partnership together & we will be to create a meditation circle where we will do powerful meditations guided by me to people from all around the world.

Please reach out to me after you have done all of the work mentioned above for at least a week and have walked through that gate. I’m excited to work with you.

Thank you, Walter

More videos to awaken you to the truth:

Head of The FBI Ted Gunderson warned us about this in many videos he made about Satanic ritual abuse resulting in sacrifices: [https://youtu.be/dqGpP-Tazrw](https://youtu.be/dqGpP-Tazrw)

Satanic MK Ultra Mind Control Survivor Cathy O’Brien [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCmuISf3xs8Q6f8C8RnzvSx5DTjoX1vS8](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCmuISf3xs8Q6f8C8RnzvSx5DTjoX1vS8)

Dr David Martín explains Corona virus vaccine was actually patented by phizer 21 years ago: [https://youtu.be/gsDlHprql-g](https://youtu.be/gsDlHprql-g)

Harvard psychology Professor author of book “Abductions” John Mack interviewing children’s ufo experiences: [https://youtu.be/ynqc5UVItsw](https://youtu.be/ynqc5UVItsw)

Incarnate Angel Myron May mentally tortured Angel of Death speaks to me and says if you haven’t acknowledged the evil Matrix reality you will be absorbed by demonic energies: [https://youtu.be/a1vIkUZjRl4](https://youtu.be/a1vIkUZjRl4)

Donald Marshal on Illuminati cloning centers and multi dimensional manipulation: [https://youtu.be/iiCBgTZm9L4](https://youtu.be/iiCBgTZm9L4)

David wilcock quits gaia.c0m lucifarian agenda YES? The internet’s most popular spiritual channel has a LucifariaN agenda said gAIA’s host dAVID wILCOCK before retracting his statement: [https://youtu.be/7\_n2WWOdkQ4](https://youtu.be/7_n2WWOdkQ4)

If you are unable to copy and paste these important links you may email me and ask me to send you the message with links. Please keep it brief until you have done the work then contact me.

If I am short THE ANGELS OF DEATH say I am then you should treat me and the messages They have given me for you with the highest respect.

Reach out to me ASAP for my contact details as the demonic forces will do their best to stop your awakening.

For security purposes nothing I say about the temple of satan or the afterschool sataN program or anything else is true.




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